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Get your ropes greased b/c you’re going to be jumping today. 800 of anything is a lot.

Good Luck to Everyone!



2 rounds for time of:

100 double-unders

20 overhead squats

100 double-unders

12 ring muscle-ups

100 double-unders

20 dumbbell snatches

100 double-unders

12 bar muscle-ups

Time cap: 14 minutes


CFS Athletes, our gym has a 2 strict pull-up requirement for access to all kipping movements on the rig, including kipping pull-ups. However, athletes who can demonstrate a proficient kipping pull-up during warm ups will be granted a pass for the Open. All athletes can attempt a kipping pull-ups, until Monday at 8pm, after which we will return to our strength requirements.

Good luck to everyone attempting their firsts!



Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)

Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches

Women perform 80-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)

Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches

Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches

Teenagers 14-15:

Boys perform 75-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches

Girls perform 55-lb. OHS, 20-lb. DB snatches

Scaled Teenagers 14-15:

Boys perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches

Girls perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 10-lb. DB snatches

Masters 55+:

Men perform 75-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches Women perform 55-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches

Scaled Masters 55+:

Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches

Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 10-lb. DB snatches”



The post OPEN WOD 18.3 appeared first on CrossFit Syracuse.

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