Jumping Jacks
4 Min x 1 Set
Power Clean Skill and Warm Up
6 Rounds For Time
5 Power Clean (155/105) Rx+ 185/125
10 Toes To Bar *** New Standards Listed Below ***
15 DB Box Step Over (45/30# & 24/20″)
*** You be allowed to hang from the rig during a WOD, in any capacity without the assistance of a band, an athlete must demonstrate TWO consecutive Strict Pull-Ups….that day. Toes to bar, knees to elbows, hanging high knees, kipping pull-ups, bar muscle ups etc. etc. etc. all require an athlete to have enough strength to complete 2 consecutive pull-ups that day. The coaches will offer scales for athletes to build more strength if 2 pull-ups is still a goal.
Scores from Friday