Prone Swim – light or unloaded – 2 minutes AMRAP – 1 set
1RM Weighted Pull-Up
For all athletes still working on their first strict pull-up, a cool way to max out today could be to test max unbroken strict pull-ups with a difficult band, followed by a max set with stronger band, followed by a set with an even stronger band. Three sets, short rest, three scores. Or not. Maybe you have a cooler idea like ring rows or 1-arm ring row max effort sets. Feel free to come up with your own exciting test b/c you are going to PR, promise.
WOD – October Benchmark
15 Min AMRAP
5 Kipping Pull-Ups (Rx+ Kipping Chest to Bar)
5 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Power Clean (115/75) Rx +135/95
Athletes, butterfly pull-ups are not an option today. All other scales are available. The only time I would consider going TnGo in this WOD is in the last 10 seconds but you-do-you!
Scores from the October Benchmark about 30 days ago
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