Hip Lift March – 2 Min AMRAP x 1 set
Practice the complex
Warm up T2B or scales
24 Min EMOM
ODD Minutes – 1 Clean Deadlift + 3 Clean First Pulls + 1 Low Hang Squat Clean
EVEN Minutes – 7 Toes to Bar (Rx+ 10)
Rules – For every T2B rep that you miss per minute, assuming you do, please subtract 20# from your weightlifting total. That final number is your score today.
Mr. Mart Seim, coming in at a sturdy 325 pounds of body weight, lifting 638 pounds here for 8 reps of a ‘Clean First Pull’. Seim has Clean and Jerked 556 pounds and snatched 420 pounds.
Scores from Sunday
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