Banded Hamstring Curls – 2 Sets (Submaximal)
-It is not smart programming to exhaust the hamstrings before running hard so please follow the advice here and only use this drill for activation (submaximal)
-This can be an excellent drill to max out on at the end of a workout
Sprinter Warm Up
Every 6 Minutes for 5 Rounds
15 Burpees
500 Meter Run
At 0, 6, 12, 18, and the 24 minute mark, do 15 burpees and a 500 meter run
All burpees are to be completed inside the gym
If you exceed any 6 minute window to complete the 15 & the 500, then your score is no longer Rx & you should try to complete the remaining work as fast as possible.
Report your fastest and your slowest time to the white board
Scores from Monday
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