Straight Arm Banded Pulldown – 90 Second AMRAP x 1 set
Warm Up & Find Scales for the Pull-ups if necessary
Practice Double Unders
Practice the Plate Drill and see if you can beat 22 reps in 10 seconds!
DB Weighted Pull-ups (35/20) Rx+ 50/35
Athletes must complete 100 double unders between each set of pull-ups for a total of 400 double unders.
Athletes, these pull-ups can be kipping although it won’t be easy to kip while squeezing a DB b/w your legs. If you don’t have this level of pull-up strength yet, then you can complete strict pull-ups or jumping pull-ups with super slow negatives.
Athletes, reaching hard with your chin to complete your pull-up can put serious stress on the neck and lead to injury. Please keep the chin reaching to a minimum.
Athletes who don’t have double unders and don’t want to practice them today, sometimes the best way to conquer a skill like doubles is to put the rope down and develop another similar skill. This plate drill looks like fun!
This workout has a 25 min time cap.
Scores from Tuesday
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