On behalf of the entire staff at CrossFit Syracuse, thank you all for making CFS so special!!! We have big plans for CrossFit Syracuse and we cannot wait to experience them all with our wonderful members.
1 Hang Power Clean + 2 Alternating Front Rack Reverse Lunges + 1 Jerk
- Quickly Build to a heavy single in 8 minutes
Heavy, compound (multi-joint) movements, are excellent at causing the human body to shuttle post-workout carbohydrates into muscle cells and not into fat cells. That is why today looks like it does
21-15-9 for time
Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) Rx+ (135/95)
Wall Ball (20/15)
Hang Power Clean (117/75) Rx+ (135/95)
—5 min Rest—
3 Rounds for time
20 Alternating Front Rack Reverse Lunges (115/75) Rx+ (135/95)
20 Deadlifts (115/75) Rx+ (135/95)
Earn the Pie!!!
Scores from Tuesday