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WOD – 171.0 –


Two weeks ago CFS received our second expansion space equipment order in the way of 2 lifting platforms, a second ski erg and chains to use while squatting, benching, deadlifting etc. To install the platforms, we needed to buy 4 sheets of plywood, have them cut to exact dimension and then transport them to the gym. At Home Depot I run into CFS member Michael Montinaro who insisted that he haul the plywood back to the gym in his pickup instead of my original plan to duck tape it to my car roof. At the gym we quickly realized the wood needed to be trimmed and Michael offered to cut it for me. The next day Michael figured out how to burn our logo into the new wood platforms and offered to do it. They look amazing. Michael owns and operates Salt City Fabrication and Design and does amazing work that you can see all over Central New York. Michael donated the metal shelf in the men’s locker-room and more of his work can be seen here www.saltcityfab.com Beyond his obvious talent, he is a world-class guy and CFS is so lucky to have his as part of our community. Thank you Michael!


2 min AMRAP

Mountain Climbers – get your feet up to your hands like this fellow


Front Squat

2 RM

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This is Tian Tao of China squatting only 84% of his 1RM for a double. Tian is an Olympic Silver Medalist and one of the best weightlifters competing. If you see his knees, their is a slight, controlled valgus movement. In other words, his knees go in slightly at the sticking point of the lift. Internet coaches would scream “KNEES OUT!!!!”. There is more than 1 way to complete a perfect squat but at the end of the day, stay balanced and in control.


3 Rounds

30 Inverted Rows (Rx+ 20 Tuck Strict Pull-Ups)

30 Leaning Box Push-Ups (Rx+ 30 Push-Ups)

60 Wall Ball (Rx+ 90)

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