Band Pull-Apart – 2 min AMRAP
12 Minute – Sled Rope Pull
-Each athlete will complete 2 to 4 lengths in a row before resting and letting another athlete go
-Athletes should load to sled appropriately so that they can reach fatigue in 2 to 4 lengths
-Loading the sled too heavy will only force athletes to compromise their position so avoid letting your Ego take over
75 DB Box Step Overs (50/35) & (20/20″)
It seems to be the case that athletes don’t pay appropriate consideration to the demands of a box step up for whatever reason. This movement has a few parts to it and a lack of consideration will lead to a beat up low back or a seriously rolled ankle. If you step up out of position and step down too quickly, you might not make it to 75 reps.
Scores from Friday
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