Bear Crawl + Plate on Low Back (to keep you honest)
90 seconds x 1 set
Warm Up & GO!!!
24 min EMOM
ODD Minutes – AMRAP Russian KB Swings (53/35) Rx+ 70/53
EVEN Minutes – 15/12 Calorie Row
Score is the total number of Russian KB Swings you complete today. However, if you miss your calorie requirement on the rower, then you must double the number of missed calories and subtract that number from your total KB count. For example, if you miss your final rowing interval by 1 calorie (14 or 11 calories completed instead of 15 or 12), then take 2 reps off of your KB swing score. This rule should force athletes to remain conservative on their KB swing effort so that they can remain effective on the rower for the entire WOD.
Some good tips from a KB Master, Jeff Martone
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