3 Rounds
Arch Hold – 30 seconds
Side Plank – 30 seconds
1-Leg Iso Hip Lift – 30 seconds
3 Sets
10 Alternating DB Reverse Lunges (50/35)
1 Lap 1-Arm DB Overhead Walk (50/35)
10 Alternating DB Reverse Lunges (50/35)
1 Lap 1-Arm DB Overhead Walk (50/35)
Three heats, 7 athletes per heat, three sets. Once your turn comes back around, your rest is up!
The lunges are with two DBs and they are held in a very specific way today!
Athletes, hold the DBs as if you were about to begin an overhead press. If you need to scale the weight down to achieve this hold, then do so. No one is allowed to hold them the “cheep way”!
The 1st OH walk and the 2nd OH walk are opposite arms.
Scale up if you can, scale down if you should.
3 Rounds
20 Alternating DB Box Step-Ups (50/35 & 24/20″)
30 Hollow Rock
40 Double Unders
Amazing times were had by so many athletes and spectators yesterday. The moment that you realize you just got over the bar for the first time and then the cheers from the crowd, an incredible night!
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