Banded Wrist DB Curls + OH Press – Light Weight x 1 Set
Barbell Wrist Flexion & Extension x 1 set per movement
Power Snatch – Work up to a heavy single
Team Spain doing their thing in the training hall of the 2018 World Championships
15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Power Snatch (95/65) Rx+ 115/75
Toes to Bar (Rx+ Strict T2B)
Athletes, the standard for strict T2B is simply having a box immediately behind your heals while hanging from the rig. The box will simply infringe on the kip swing and force athletes to use a more strict technique. Beyond the box being place correctly, all the athlete needs to do is get full extension at the bottom of the rep and then have both feet touch the bar, between the hands, at the same time. We need to put a KB on top of the box to prevent it from constantly shifting backwards due to heal contact at the bottom of each rep.
Scores from Wednesday
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