Knees Up Bird Dog x 90 Seconds x 1 set
Sumo Deadlift
-Work up to a heavy single, then -15% for 2 more sets of 3 reps
-All reps are dead start
Stefi Cohen folks, rewriting the rulebook!
3 Rounds
1 Minute Erg Bike AMRAP (L10/L7) (1 Cal = 1 Point)
-30 second rest-
1 Minute Double Unders (Rx+ Tripple Unders) (3 Reps = 1 Point)
-30 second rest-
1 Minute Rower (1 Cal = 1 Point)
-30 second rest-
1 Minute Plate Pinch Grip Sumo Deadlift High Pull (45/25) (1 Rep = 1 Point)
-30 second rest-
Scores from Monday September Benchmark ReTest
Congrats to everyone who improved their score from 30 days ago! Those pull-ups looked great. Wednesday will be the October benchmark, good luck!
The post WOD – 215.5 – appeared first on CrossFit Syracuse.